Dog fouling is increasingly becoming a major concern in the UK. With 63,000 complaints reported between March 2023 and March 2024, residents are taking action against offenders. This article explores the extent of the problem, identifies the worst-hit areas, and discusses potential reasons for the rise in incidents.
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Dog pancreatitis may still be relatively rare amongst dogs, but it is increasing. With the main cause being fat in their diet, in most cases likely from being fed our food, we have put together a list of human foods that are safe to feed your dog.
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A common digestive issue that dogs may encounter is diarrhoea, which can vary from mild discomfort to more severe episodes. Find out more about the causes, symptoms and treatments for dogs with diarrhoea in our guide, as well as tips for management and prevention.
What is all the hype about dog probiotics? With probiotics for dogs gaining in popularity, we run through the top 10 benefits of including a probiotic in your dog's diet.
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Whether your dog has trouble with their tummy, stools or gas, or you just want to make sure they have a nice healthy gut, find out all you need to know about the best probiotics for dogs in our guide to dog probiotics.
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